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Showing posts from December, 2020

Orbs is it Paranormal?

  Most of us know Dust, bugs and moisture can cause an orb in a photo, but when does it become something more?    I never noticed orbs in photos before I became interested in the paranormal. Is this only due to modern cameras in our phones and other technology since the days of film? Do you have any orbs in film photos?   What about balls of light? I myself have seen a ball of light and it was captured on video. I was in a said to be haunted hotel. That evening I heard someone walking across the floor with the boards creaking. Is this a coincidence?   What about faces in orbs? Is it pareidolia? I had seen one that really did look like a dog a specific breed and then another person said it and I had not shared what I had seen? What does that mean?  Below I will post some videos we talked about on our show and the show itself.  Please share your thoughts on orbs in the paranormal.   Here is the Ball of light video it is unedited and raw but needed to be Here is the video from Sara's

Orbs, (What are they good for)?

The subject of orbs illicit big opinions and emotions.  Both sides of the orb debate are guilty.  Which is one of the reason this little object makes for a big conversation. What are "orbs"?  Dust, camera refraction?  Or angels, spirits and energy?  The Merriam-Webster definition is 1. :any of the concentric spheres in old astronomy surrounding the earth and carrying celestial bodies in their revolutions  2. :something circular  3. :a spherical body especially a celestial object. defines it as "Balls of light which sometimes show up in photographs.  Believed to be ghostly entities as they usually show up in cemeteries or old buildings".  While looking up "spiritual definition of orbs" brings you to the many paranormal team pages and Pintrest.   Iron Island Museum Buffalo, NY We know orbs exist.  We may not always agree on what the cause is, but we have photographs proving orbs appear.  Some are clearly dust making an appearance in an o

Paranormal XX

Eleanor Sidgewick, Alice Johnson, Margaret Verrall.  Women in paranormal is nothing new.  The names forementioned are rarely spoken about.  Mathematician, zoologist, and classic scholar and lecturer.  These are the titles these women held along side their interest and work in the paranormal.  These are only a few. Eleanor Mildred Sidgewick 1845-1936 Today seems to hold a different level of expectation, or it would seem by the television shows that are popular the last 10 to 15 years.  To be fair, this holds true for men and women.  A simple Google search for "women pioneers in paranormal"  or "first women in paranormal" gives you results for paranormal romance writers or a handful of tv sweethearts.  Not suggesting they haven't earned their place, but to forget those before us and their work, seems to suggest paranormal is nothing more than entertainment. However, over the last year, we have had the pleasure to meet women in paranormal that seem to be bringing b

So You Want To Be A Ghost Hunter...

Where to start?  You just start, where doesn't matter.  How doesn't matter either.  And the why, is personal to each of us that have started this journey of the unknown world of spirits.   You can buy several guides into the interest of paranormal.  Ghost Hunting for Dummies, How To's and even guides for the very young that are interested.  Many opinions on how, where and what (the why's should stay personal) to fill your days (not nights, as many will say that's the best time to investigate).  I have a couple guides to paranormal in my own library.  It felt like another tool/equipment that was needed.  Plus, so many are written by some of the most well known paranormal "experts", they must be right, right?  Here is the one thing I will share with those of you who may be new or seriously considering beginning the search for ghosts...YOU are the only expert on your experiences.  Only you know what you felt, heard, seen, what is going on with YOU personally

Haunted Headline links Which was your favorite

  For fun this week we each brought a haunted headline to share on our Paranormal Quickie segment. This always brings about fun conversation.    Sara Kesha interviews Alice Cooper about ghosts, demons, UFOs, and shooting your drummer in the foot         Sam Dog Suicide Bridge’: Why do so many pets keep leaping into a Scottish gorge?     Deedee Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it    You can watch our thoughts on YouTube  

Talking Tarot a closer look

  We hope you enjoyed our chat with Brett Carstens Psychic medium and our Paranormal Quickie show  sharing our Tarot cards. For those of you like me who want to shop for some new cards here is more information. Sara showed us her new Reiki oracle cards and suggested shopping The Moon Deck , Etsy or going into a shop in person to select cards.  My cards came from Awakening in a box . She has a monthly subscription or you can just go to her shop . I also like to buy spiritual supplies in stores. My favorite is a pop up farmers market where I'm not even looking for something but I just stumble upon it. This is the Selenite I use the small one is Red Selenite and the large one is White Selenite you can charge your stones on the larger one. I find Selenite perfect for meditation.  During our episode with Brett we had a few odd occurrences this is what Sara was seeing. We also had what seemed to be someone peeking into our 4th computer in an empty room. Here are the two episodes mention

Spiritualism In Paranormal

To use or not to use?  This is a question I ask myself when it comes to investigating.  I am speaking about the use of psychic mediums during any exploration of a haunted location.   Seems there are two camps when it comes to paranormal teams and the role of psychic mediums.  Some investigators appear to use a template of characters in order to be called a team.  While others hold strong opinions about not stacking their crew with Wiccans, Shamans, Mediums and any other "spiritual warriors".  The choice is a personal one, no right or wrong answer.   I have worked with one on a few locations, as an invited guest.  Two were personal homes (wanting an investigator to validate their readings through equipment).  The third being a public location that has stories and history to use as a guide.  All three experiences were teachable moments in belief systems and the responsibility we have sharing our interest of paranormal.   I had always been intrigued by the psychic world, but sta

The Darker Side of Paranormal discussion Cont.

In our episode The Darker Side of the Paranormal I mention Gaurav Tiwari who was a paranormal investigator who founded The Indian Paranormal Society and investigated over 6000 haunted locations. That is in my opinion a lot of exposure to the unknown. Is that dangerous and part of what could have caused him to commit suicide? He had mentioned to family he was having trouble with a spirit attachment. Can a spirit cause you to harm yourself? We talk about all of this in our episode.  One thing I do know is he was very knowledgeable about the paranormal and his work is still online for you to view. He did a great FB live which you can find here .  I also found he had been to Bhangarh Fort shortly before his death? This Fort has a really interesting story about why it is haunted. I recommend checking their site out too.    What are your thoughts on spending too much time in the paranormal?  -Deedee J.  Here is the episode you can find on YouTube  

Dark Side of Paranormal

When we hear the phrase, "dark side of paranormal" it conjures up images of demon chasing, poltergeist wrangling and maybe even the occasional evil haunted item.  We see it over and over again on the latest paranormal tv show or the popular Hollywood films.  What we rarely speak of is the dark the living bring to their investigations or even to their paranormal personas.   When I started more organized investigations, I wanted what I saw on the shows.  I purchased every piece of equipment I saw the "stars" use, while trying to replicate their experiences.  I wanted to feel every feeling and see and sense things from beyond the veil.  As I progressed, I realized I wasn't feeling ANY of what the television investigators were, along with those on the public hunts.  Those literally standing next to me, in a proclaimed "most haunted" location saw apparitions and watched items move.   This stirred my interest in what type of person was attracted to these hau