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Orbs, (What are they good for)?

The subject of orbs illicit big opinions and emotions.  Both sides of the orb debate are guilty.  Which is one of the reason this little object makes for a big conversation.

What are "orbs"?  Dust, camera refraction?  Or angels, spirits and energy?  The Merriam-Webster definition is 1. :any of the concentric spheres in old astronomy surrounding the earth and carrying celestial bodies in their revolutions  2. :something circular  3. :a spherical body especially a celestial object. defines it as "Balls of light which sometimes show up in photographs.  Believed to be ghostly entities as they usually show up in cemeteries or old buildings".  While looking up "spiritual definition of orbs" brings you to the many paranormal team pages and Pintrest.  

Iron Island Museum
Buffalo, NY

We know orbs exist.  We may not always agree on what the cause is, but we have photographs proving orbs appear.  Some are clearly dust making an appearance in an old location that is being explored and kicking up what was settled.  Some could be simply atmospheric phenomenon, when the outdoors is involved in the investigation.  And yet, some of these little balls of light elude our common sense or scope of scientific understanding.

This blog will not bring you to a definite answer to "what" an orb is.  We may not even get to the "why" we believe what we believe.  However, we can see all sides of the theories for a better understanding to the what and the why.  Because orbs certainly seem to be messengers.

Recently, a friend shared a personal video of a family member celebrating a special occasion, where an orb seems to be participating.  It is for sure intriguing.  As someone on the outside, it would be hard to confirm with absolute certainty that is a passed loved one and or angel making their presence known.  As well, it is hard to confirm the contrary.  

This is where the argument usually starts, a photograph or a video shared with excitement or curiosity and search for validation.  We want others to experience what we experience.  We will often find many to share our sentiment.  And some will not, ready with a scientific explanation or a scoff at any possible paranormal connection.  What if we simply see the picture or video, gathering all aspects of the setting and hear what the experiencer has to say.  What if, in the picture or video, beyond the orb/dust/camera refraction was evidence of the other side peeking out?  

Bagdad Cemetery
Leander, TX
Use this opportunity to be aware of your surroundings when exploring the paranormal, while taking photographs.  Take note of the dust, dirt level of the location.  As you walk around, snap as many pictures and examine in real time the difference between when you walk around, opposed to when you are sitting still for long periods of time.  Make note of the atmosphere, weather and any other natural occurrences.  As well, it is important to understand your camera, its settings and its errors.  It can be easy to get caught up in the emotion of the investigation and what we believe we may have captured.

Even with the "green orb" effect made from the iPhone, when the sun or any bright light is present is offered as proof of orb interaction, there may be evidence or experience of the paranormal.  So much goes into the actual experience itself, not just the picture.  Sometimes it is a pull to take the picture in the direction you did, or the time you did.  Sometimes it's a feeling of sick/headache or anxiousness.  Sometimes, we just stop in our tracks.  The orb is simply the mark in time that it happened.  And sometimes, we didn't even realize what we caught.  It isn't until days or months after, going through the pictures you thought were boring, that you hit gold.  And sometimes, we just simply want it to be a sign from the other side.  We should be willing to discern our own evidence the way we often do others.  

There is camera evidence of orbs that we can say is dust.  If we explore or investigate, we have several of those in our own collection.  But those orbs that present color and a specific path of movement, are the ones that make us ask, "what was that?"  And that is where we will split off into our own direction.  Colors can represent arch angles, good and evil entities or emotions.  None are right or wrong, simply theories.  

Perhaps orbs bring such emotions because, as the opportunity to capture one becomes more readily available with a phone in our hands, we ALL have the capability to experience paranormal.  It becomes more personal.  It is indeed the easiest evidence to catch.  It is also the easiest to discredit.  

Do we stop sharing our wonders with others in the community?  Absolutely not.  We need to share and continue the conversation of paranormal phenomenons, to grow in our own understanding.  We should stop taking another viewpoint "personal" if we do not like the response.  If we instantly believe or disbelieve, we go no further.  The continuation of examining all aspects of the evidence, from personal feelings to natural, scientific explanation we become more open to what may be out there.  Letting go of "knowing it all" opens you up to knowing more.

Idle Hour Yacht Club
Harsens Island, MI

Let's hear and see, what all those who are willing to share, in and out of the paranormal community.  Let's drop one more conditioned belief.  Let's look deeper within ourselves to understand our own perspective to understand other's perspective.  And the next time you see an orb, ask yourself, "messenger of cleanliness or messenger of soul?"  Orbs, what are they good for?  More than we may realize.

As always, stay safe and stay centered.

-Sara V.
