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Showing posts from February, 2021

Mirror, Mirror...

Portals, the gateway between both the living world and the after life.  This has been an area of interest for many, in the paranormal field.  But what exactly are these doorways for the spirits exactly? Mirrors tend to be the focus of portals.  One can find several different rituals making these simple household items into doors for spirits to enter and exit our world.  But is this the only way for energies to to gain access?  This week's topic of portals left us with more questions than answers, which seems to be the ongoing theme, within paranormal. Antique Personal Mirror My first question is, are portals nature made or man made?  Common sense would lean towards nature made.  With ghosts and spirits being energy, nature seems to be a perfect conduit for creating portals for the supernatural to come through.  Many mediums feel trees, large stone areas, such as limestone quarries and bodies of water make portals.  Perhaps a deeper look into the traditions and beliefs of Native Ame