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Mirror, Mirror...

Portals, the gateway between both the living world and the after life.  This has been an area of interest for many, in the paranormal field.  But what exactly are these doorways for the spirits exactly?

Mirrors tend to be the focus of portals.  One can find several different rituals making these simple household items into doors for spirits to enter and exit our world.  But is this the only way for energies to to gain access?  This week's topic of portals left us with more questions than answers, which seems to be the ongoing theme, within paranormal.
Antique Personal Mirror

My first question is, are portals nature made or man made?  Common sense would lean towards nature made.  With ghosts and spirits being energy, nature seems to be a perfect conduit for creating portals for the supernatural to come through.  Many mediums feel trees, large stone areas, such as limestone quarries and bodies of water make portals.  Perhaps a deeper look into the traditions and beliefs of Native Americans would hold some answers.  But if portals are nature made, can we in fact make a portal out of everyday objects?

Deedee shared a ritual she found via Google, on opening doorways.  A mirror, Holy Water, a headstone and the simple movement of spinning.  This led to a few more questions, not only on technique but possible respect crisis.  But more than that, it opened the floodgate of questions to, why stop at mirrors being portals?  If indeed we are opening a space for spirts to come through, isn't using ANY equipment to communicate and invite spirits a portal maker?

Ouija boards come with the warning of "ALWAYS close the session", which seems to suggest you opened a door to invite a spirit in.  Pendulum boards could be considered similar in technique.  However, both tools of communication and invoking spirits need the living to participate by holding onto the plachette or the pendulum.  And when using the mirror  technique, most rituals require the living to be present to watch for signs of spirit activity.  Then I have to ask, are the objects the portal maker or are we?

This is where beliefs become heavy when trying to answer something that possibly will not have an answer until we are there.  Theories come by the hundreds, off shoots of Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, Buddhism and the likes.  Then compare those main religions with those of pagan roots.  Somewhere in there, are consistencies that possibly hold the answer to the after life.  However, it can be a hard sell to shed conditioned beliefs and faith.  Paranormal often sheds light on the hypocrisy of our said faith.  We cut and paste from many different religions and spiritualities to fill the narrative of not only our experiences but also our techniques.  Could our faith be the portal?  Which brings me back to a question that I asked earlier, are we, ourselves the portal maker?

When using energy healing, you call upon the universe, God, goddesses, guiding spirits and ancestors to assist you in the modality of choice.  This is opening a portal to using that energy for healing.  Many use crystals, stones or ritualistic movements during these sessions.  Simply placing a stone on the individual and walking away will not have the same affect, possibly doing absolutely nothing.  The healer must open the "door" to Universe to aid in moving the energy.  In Usi Reiki, one suggested beginning ritual is to open yourself to Universe and to give permission to the person in need of healing to join in your energy flow, or inviting them "through the door" to your personal space.  Which again, makes you the portal for energy to flow through.

Back to location portals.  One location, I have visited multiple times has a room dedicated as the "Portal Room".  I remember my second visit, one tour guide specifically took me in the room and asked me to walk directly in the center of the room.  As I walked, they repeatedly asked me, "do you feel it?"  I did not.  I was asked to make the same walk several times.  After a handful of "no's" the tour guide got frustrated that I did not clearly feel the change where the portal was marked by a medium.  I cannot say I feel something when I do not.  And I felt bad saying no when clearly, someone had taken the time to make a plaque.  Fast forward several years later.  My personal paranormal team has this location for the entire night.  My teammate (who is my sister) and I sit in the "Portal Room".  We position ourselves in the center of the room, still not feeling any difference from the other areas and I begin to play Tibetan Singing Bowls.  The energy in the room clearly had changed, for both of us.  Was the portal always there, but took the simple act of meditation to open it?  Maybe?  It still brings me back to, WE are the possible portal maker.  

This topic, like so many is too large for a small blog.  This is a conversation starter, not a final answer, but questions and opinions that plague the person writing the blog.  These topics are vastly interesting and have many facets, to not only the dead but the living.  I believe that portals come in many forms, however, the most common, in my opinion may just be US.  Our beliefs, our faith, our desire to understand what happens after our vessels dies.  And now I have to ask, are these portals really to the other side or rather portals to deep inside?  

As always, stay safe and stay centered.

-Sara V
