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Showing posts from January, 2021

Banish or Perception?

This week's subject was banishment.  Can we?  How do we?  And if we can, where do they go?  After more than an hour, we did not come up with any one answer, but of course more questions. For me personally, the word banishment makes me uncomfortable.  On many levels from, who am I to command?  How do I know what the process/ritual is for that particular energy? Most importantly, if I cannot prove without doubt that ghosts exists, then how can I be certain about banishment of ghosts?  This is where I typically go when I start my exploration of a topic in spirituality and the world of ghosts. As you continue to read this particular blog, please be aware, this is my personal belief.  Not a direct criticism of those in the field, that have a differing opinion.  We all come to a place in our practices, not just in belief but execution, differently.  As my time in podcasting, in the paranormal world grows, so does my acceptance to hear those opinions and experiences and add them to my jou

Paranormal evidence what does it mean to you

This week on our show we discuss Paranomal evidence and we share some of our own.    We all have our reasons why we are excited when we get an odd picture or evp. It doesn't happen often even though TV shows lead you to think so. I tend to stumble upon things when not trying. What does that mean? Do we have to wait for spirits to interact with us? Or is that just how it happens for me?    Here are some links to blog posts of my experiences and our evps we shared in our episode.  What do you think?     Binions Casino hallway do you see him?  First visit post Binions Follow up visit to Binions    EVPs here is the video from The Queen Mary  This is our entire visit with videos Queen Mary     If you did not watch the episode here it is. Sara has some great evps too, so grab your headphones and let us know what you hear.  Paranormally Blonde  

The Quest for Evidence

 The definition of evidence,  as shared by Merriam-Webster, 1 a  :an outward sign  b  :something that furnishes proof.  Personal Photo given to me to share. We, in the paranormal community are on the constant quest for evidence of the after life.  We snap pictures, take hours of videos, endless recordings and use countless apps and pieces of equipment to capture that irrefutable moment to share with the world.  Have we?   Social media platforms offer these pieces of evidence from around the globe.  It's placed at our fingertips to judge, discern or blindly accept.  With everything out there, have we seen actual evidence (as defined by the dictionary)? all in the lighting The Dress.  Let's go back a few years, when the social media phenom of a simple dress had divided the masses, as to what color they were seeing.  Are you left brain or right brain?  There is actually a lot more that goes into this particular experiment (vision science), too much for a simple blog.  The dress is

Paranormal in the Workplace, is it a good idea to ghost hunt at work?

  I think unless your employer supports it I would say no! Have I done it yes. Did I get called stupid? I sure did. I think at times we have that down time or free time at work and we want to have fun or maybe you work someplace that is really active and you just want to know what is going on!  Hopefully you watched the episode we share some fun stories. Including my experience working at a hospital which you can read about here .  If you did not catch our guest Kevin Killen Author of Ghosts and Me or our experiences you can still watch now on our YouTube . 

Paranormal in the Workplace

We see it over and over again, YouTube videos of workplace paranormal activity.  Bars, antique stores, call centers.  Chairs move, items come crashing down and even the occasional door closing on its' own.  How common is paranormal in the workplace? Outside of the videos shared, it seems to be rare to hear on podcasts or even books written about it.  It's not as personal as home hauntings.  Maybe the connection doesn't feel as special.  Or perhaps, we are distracted with our daily tasks, amongst several others to take notice of subtle messages.  Our guest on this week's episode, not only experienced personal home activity, but he also has some compelling stories of paranormal in his workplace.  Kevin Killen, author of Ghosts and Me ( ) , shared a few of his most memorable experiences, at a drug and alcohol residential recovery center. After meeting Kevin on another podcast, we decided we wanted to dig a little deeper into why he may be experiencing paran