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Orbs is it Paranormal?

 Most of us know Dust, bugs and moisture can cause an orb in a photo, but when does it become something more? 


I never noticed orbs in photos before I became interested in the paranormal. Is this only due to modern cameras in our phones and other technology since the days of film? Do you have any orbs in film photos? 

 What about balls of light? I myself have seen a ball of light and it was captured on video. I was in a said to be haunted hotel. That evening I heard someone walking across the floor with the boards creaking. Is this a coincidence?  

What about faces in orbs? Is it pareidolia? I had seen one that really did look like a dog a specific breed and then another person said it and I had not shared what I had seen? What does that mean? 

Below I will post some videos we talked about on our show and the show itself. 

Please share your thoughts on orbs in the paranormal. 

 Here is the Ball of light video it is unedited and raw but needed to be

Here is the video from Sara's friend that she shared.

Some photos to explore






 Cosmopolitan Hotel Room 4/5 Old Town San Diego


Binions Hotel Casino

 Our episode 


