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So You Want To Be A Ghost Hunter...

Where to start?  You just start, where doesn't matter.  How doesn't matter either.  And the why, is personal to each of us that have started this journey of the unknown world of spirits.  

You can buy several guides into the interest of paranormal.  Ghost Hunting for Dummies, How To's and even guides for the very young that are interested.  Many opinions on how, where and what (the why's should stay personal) to fill your days (not nights, as many will say that's the best time to investigate).  I have a couple guides to paranormal in my own library.  It felt like another tool/equipment that was needed.  Plus, so many are written by some of the most well known paranormal "experts", they must be right, right? 

Here is the one thing I will share with those of you who may be new or seriously considering beginning the search for ghosts...YOU are the only expert on your experiences.  Only you know what you felt, heard, seen, what is going on with YOU personally or what your intentions  are.  

After 20 plus years of investigating, reading, watching and listening to personal stories, I can tell you NO ONE experiences it with your lens, your beliefs, your culture, your tradions, your traumas or your losses.  We can have similar experiences and we can even have empathy for other's experiences, to have exact experience can be a hard find.  This is where several may disagree with me.  Many will say that they for sure share the same story as another, wether they know the person or simply someone they follow or watch on popular shows and or social media platforms.  I believe that sells yourself short of your own expereiences.  

Try a public hunt, at a location that has stories attached of non-stop hauntings or never fail paranoraml activity.  May be hard to find in the current climate, perhaps you have at least one you can rememeber in great detail.  These usually bring a diverse group of people to one location.  Some will just love the history, some will be there for the scares, and others will be seasoned ghost hunters and or psychics.  Your range of voiced experiences go from fascination with the location, repeats of past experiences from those that have gone before or sometimes, objects moving to spirits revealing themselves.  You can be in a small area and still not see or hear what someone right next to you is expressing.  This is not a failure of "not believing enough"(this is often the answer to why you may not be feeling "it").  Remember, YOU are the expert to your own experience, just as they are the expert of theirs.  

So where to start?  As I started to write this blog, I realized the where, is not the best question.  The why, although personal, is the most important to what you may or may not experience.  Paranormal in the end, is personal.  We each bring our personal perception, prespective and unique life experiences to the table.  Do not give your power to another when it comes to paranormal.  One can share their years in the field or extensive research with you to help aid in your understanding, but they do NOT have the answer to your own experiences.  

As our guest Sam Hundley, from Sam Hundley Hauntings said on the show, "have fun!"  I would add, be open (to believing and to question those beliefs), be safe and as always, be centered.

-Sara V
