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Paranormal XX

Eleanor Sidgewick, Alice Johnson, Margaret Verrall.  Women in paranormal is nothing new.  The names forementioned are rarely spoken about.  Mathematician, zoologist, and classic scholar and lecturer.  These are the titles these women held along side their interest and work in the paranormal.  These are only a few.

Eleanor Mildred Sidgewick 1845-1936
Eleanor Mildred Sidgewick
Today seems to hold a different level of expectation, or it would seem by the television shows that are popular the last 10 to 15 years.  To be fair, this holds true for men and women.  A simple Google search for "women pioneers in paranormal"  or "first women in paranormal" gives you results for paranormal romance writers or a handful of tv sweethearts.  Not suggesting they haven't earned their place, but to forget those before us and their work, seems to suggest paranormal is nothing more than entertainment.

However, over the last year, we have had the pleasure to meet women in paranormal that seem to be bringing back the basis of paranormal.  These women aren't on a network, these are the "Real Women of Paranormal".  Sharing their knowledge, years of education and doing it all without press junkets.  PhD's, historians, artist, educators, nurses, and science junkies.  These women have spent considerable amount of time on education, inside and outside the classroom.  Held amazing jobs in their fields and found time for their passion in paranormal.  The one thing that stands out the most about each one of these women, they keep it real.

Eleanor Sidgewick, along with Alice and Margaret were part of the Society for Psychical Research.  Listening to many podcasts, you can hear several scoff at the work that particular group worked on, at the same time giving kudos to the scripted evidence or activity we see on a daily basis (thank you Travel Channel).  What can be appreciated about the work done before us, it was about understanding our own abilities and the living.  About calling out the entertainment aspect of spirituality (looking your way Eleanor Sidgewick) and searching into the phenoms that captivate us all.  It is not to say some were not looking for fame or notoriety.  Along with women not being new to paranormal, either is ego in paranormal.

Women are making changes daily in the field of paranormal.  And it is easier to find that you may think.  Thank you to our guest this week, Beth Allen, from Wicked Woman Paranormal.  A platform built on supporting today's women in paranormal.  She is encouraging all the amazing women to share their journey and knowledge.  She sees what is being done outside the walls of network television and feels it is important to make space for each and every woman who feels drawn to join.  Here you will find PhD's, artists, historians and more.  Paranormal is about the personal experiences and the real moments, wether we understand them or not.  Many of these women work hard on not only researching the history, investigating the location, but also hours of editing and producing videos for the social media, paranormal community and those interested in the topic.  Their vision, experience, integrity and most important, their story.  They share with hopes of continuing the conversation of our mortality and what may be waiting on the other side.  

The other thing that stands out about the "Real Women of Paranormal", they are humble and understand they do not hold the final answer.  They do not work in absolutes, rather with expansion of thoughts and theories.  Much like the original sweethearts of paranormal.  

While we all enjoy the next version of what haunts my home, may we remember this was not the original intent of paranormal research.  The paranormal was not meant to make the investigator famous for her fearless stumbles in the dark or description of what she may believe is causing the homeowners angst.  Sure, we all like to be entertained, mindless scares and for some eye candy is always a good Friday night.  As long as we remember these are not textbooks or actual educational programs.  Not suggesting every YouTube or other social media platform is educational however,  there are YouTube's that don't have the 1mil subscribers/views that are pure gold, many being women dominated.  These are videos that could be in a classroom with accurate history and not necessarily filled with scares but with experiments that teach basic science and biology.  

Paranormal is changing and the women doing it, are BRILLIANT.  

Stay safe.  Stay centered.

-Sara V.
