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Talking Tarot a closer look

 We hope you enjoyed our chat with Brett Carstens Psychic medium and our Paranormal Quickie show  sharing our Tarot cards.

For those of you like me who want to shop for some new cards here is more information.

Sara showed us her new Reiki oracle cards and suggested shopping The Moon Deck , Etsy or going into a shop in person to select cards. 

My cards came from Awakening in a box. She has a monthly subscription or you can just go to her shop. I also like to buy spiritual supplies in stores. My favorite is a pop up farmers market where I'm not even looking for something but I just stumble upon it.

This is the Selenite I use the small one is Red Selenite and the large one is White Selenite you can charge your stones on the larger one. I find Selenite perfect for meditation. 

During our episode with Brett we had a few odd occurrences this is what Sara was seeing. We also had what seemed to be someone peeking into our 4th computer in an empty room.

Here are the two episodes mentioned above

Talking Tarot

Brett Carstens psychic medium 

Where do you shop for your Spiritual needs?
