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Book winner, new book announcement and our book club


In case you missed it we announced our Winner for the Easy Fix signed copy by Leslie Fear.

 Winner is Mila! Congrats to her...








Now if that was not your cup of tea we are going deeper into the dark side of paranormal with a new book called Ghost Hunter for our book club. Please join in at Facebook Two Blondes and a Book club

I have been fascinated with his story since we did out first episode about him.  

Gaurav Tiwari written by Abhirup Dhar

You can get this book on Amazon here is their description for the book... 

Shocked by the mysterious death of Gaurav Tiwari at the age of thirty-two, acclaimed horror writer Abhirup Dhar contacted the team at Indian Paranormal Society, founded by the late paranormal investigator, to understand his life and work. This book is the result of the intense conversations that followed. As the IPS team related some of the most spine-chilling cases they’d investigated, Abhirup learnt more about Gaurav. And the paranormal. From a parking lot haunted by the ghosts of young children, to Lambi Dehar, filled with the tortured souls of the thousands who’d died there; from the unhappy spirits in Mukesh Mills to phantoms in the labyrinths of a court—Gaurav and the IPS team investigated the most haunted places in India.

Knowledge cancels fear, Gaurav used to say. It was a motto he lived by and kept in mind as he carried out his investigations, uncovering mysteries of the dead and undead. This is a book for anyone interested in horror, the supernatural and the paranormal, capturing as it does both the incredible life of Gaurav Tiwari as well as his chilling encounters with unearthly beings.


To watch our latest episode where we review book go to our You Tube channel 


